Semester – I
Basic Business CommunicationPrinciples of Management
Programming Principles and Algorithms
Computer Fundamental and Office Automation
Basic Business Accounting
Computer Laboratory and Practical Work (OA+PPA)
Semester – II
Organizational BehaviorElements of Statistics
‘C’ Programming
File Structure and Database Concepts
Cost Accounting
Computer Laboratory and Practical Work (C.P +DBMS)
Semester – III
Numerical MethodsData Structure using C
Software Engineering
Management Accounting
Computer Laboratory and Practical Work (D.S +RDBMS)
Semester – IV
Basic NetworkingVisual Basics
Inventory Management (SAD)
Computer Laboratory and Practical Work ( VB + C++ )
HR Management
Object Oriented Programming using C++
Semester – V
.NET FrameworksInternet Programming and Cyber Law
Principals of Marketing
Core Java
Project work ( VB )
Computer Laboratory and Practical Work (.NET + CoreJava )
Semester – VI
E-CommerceMultimedia Systems
Introduction to SysPro And Operating Systems
Advanced Java
Project Work ( You will choose your project based on your 3 year study)
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